GreenPC refurbish computers donated by corporate and government organisations

GreenPC refurbish computers donated by corporate and government organisations

GreenPC is a non-profit social enterprise that is part of Infoxchange Australia's vision to help bridge the digital divide and ensure all people have equal access to information technology.

GreenPC refurbish computers donated by corporate and government organisations. Each computer is throughly cleaned, tested and updated before being offered for sale to community groups, low income individuals and the general public.

The objectives of GreenPC is to upgrade and Internet-enable outdated computers.

If you have computers available that you would like to donate to this initiative and help reduce technology waste and give an opportunity to someone on a low income please email us and leave your name and phone number and one of our service staff will contact you.

Please note that we only receive computers which are Intel Pentium IV 2.8 or above and in working order,  working Laser Printers only and LCD monitors.See our website link below or Ph GreenPC head office 03 9418 7470 or GreenPC Footscray Retail Store 03 8682 9703

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