Carbon offsetting will reduce your energy footprint.

Carbon offsetting involves a process where you generate less 'net energy' by offsetting the energy you actually use. If you take steps to offset your energy use - and reduce your energy use - you a definitely helping the planet stay greener for longer.

For example if you purchase 100% green energy for your home, you are saving around 17 tonnes a year of green house gases.

In 2011 there are increasing ways to purchase carbon offsets. And while many of us are familiar with - or have already trialled offsetting our air travel by paying Qantas or Virgin Blue a couple of dollars to plant a tree in our name - how do we know where that tree is planted and who actually benefits most from a particular scheme? A local carbon offset program that plants trees is a good example of local programs that could offset - for example - the use of your small to medium car for a year - just by planting 15 trees

The future is coming closer and will both reward and tax us related to our energy use. Individuals, businesses and countries will soon claim credits - and look for carbon offsets - to reduce energy consumption or increase the use of renewable energy.

It is likely this system will largely depend on the introduction of carbon taxes that will tax the carbon produced when you use energy.

But 3Green believes the private sector will also play a very important role in devising and creating carbon offsets platforms and energy reduction systems. Just as the internet has grown with the development of businesses like Google and Facebook - so will the process of energy offseting and carbon crediting evolve new players in the global industry. Alternative fuels using blends of methanol and ethanol may help.

So start acting now. Your decision to start buying green energy (many retailers offer electricity packages with a 10% green energy component, some without extra cost to you) could help save you alot of money and stress in the future.

Be proactive and ask for green energy, install water saving devices in your home and reduce your consumption of energy when you can. You will be able to tell the children of the future, you were part of the solution.


...and the Australian Government Photovoltaic rebates can help you.


Photovoltaic systems convert sunlight into electricity. Under the Photovoltaic Rebate Programme (PVRP), which commenced on 1 January 2000, cash rebates are available to householders, owners of community use buildings, display home builders and housing estate developers who install grid-connected or stand-alone photovoltaic systems (conditions apply).


For more information, please proceed directly to the Australian Government website here: